
Venture Debt & Revenue-based financing for Startups and Growth Stage Companies with minimum Annual Revenue of INR 3 Crores.

We arrange funding from Banks, NBFCs and Fintechs and Venture Debt Funds. Borrowers need to pledge a specific percent of their income, also known as revenue share, to the investor or lender. Thereafter, they need to repay the principal amount + revenue share to the lender. Funding amount depends on Gross Revenue of past 12 …

Venture Debt & Revenue-based financing for Startups and Growth Stage Companies with minimum Annual Revenue of INR 3 Crores. Read More »

Now, thinking aloud………………How does higher education help one ?

Chickpet, Bangalore is known as the business hub of Bangalore City with more than 1000 shops in the locality. This place is always crowed as people throng to buy clothes, furniture, toys etc. at a wholesale price. Yesterday, I had been there as part of my educational research to talk to a few shop keepers …

Now, thinking aloud………………How does higher education help one ? Read More »