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Start up Co-Founder Scheme
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Let us Co-found a new Company/Buisness together
We are taking this initiative to set up and promote start up Companies in any field. This is just the beginning and we will be launching many more such initiatives soon. Initially , we may choose to fund upto 3-5 Companies a month , if we really like them
We will put in upto Rs.5 /10/20 lakhs as required in any venture finalised and they will get a stake proportionate to capital brought in by other Co-founders and Partners. Total investments can go upto Rs.50-75 Lakhs over a period of 6-9 months We expect that promoters also invest similar amount in the Company so that they are also taking real risk. For the efforts that Promoter team is putting in, they will be compensated through an Employee Stock Option Scheme(ESOP) and they can also draw salaries once Company start generating the revenue.
Investors and Promoters will get percentage stake in proportion to the Funds invested by them. This is not a valuation game and so we don’t intend to value any idea and invest money. In case needed, we have enough ideas that can be considered and started and taken forward by a good team.
However, the people who are actively involved in the business will be adequately compensated through a combination of part salary and sweat equity and freedom to run the business.
All members who like to be part of this initiative may post the reply with their details and proposed contribution , both in terms of money and functions to our WhatsApp number.
You may whatsapp Sudheendra on 98200-04701 or email to sudheendra@sudheendra.co.in any good business proposal.
We also invite investors who like to invest in such startups. All these startups will be monitored by our C.A firm to avoid any misuse of funds.
Team – Startup Streets.